Readme for "MegaClip" version .01 OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: The author takes no responsibility for any loss of data, hardware failure or other misfortune that may befall the user as a direct or indirect result of using this software. Use of the software constitutes acknowledgement of, and agreement to the above. Hi. This is the first release of MegaClip and it is still basically a beta. I'm looking for feedback as to how useful the program is, which features need work, and what new features or options would be useful. Also, does the layout make sense? How would you improve it? And of course... I love to hear about whatever bugs, crashes, or whatever else you encounter. Basically, if anyone who is currently using another clipboard utility (ManyClip, other?) tries MegaClip and does not switch to it full time, I want to know WHY!!! MegaClip is currently freeware and will remain so until at least version 1.0. In the future, I may create a shareware or commercial version with _additional features_ if there seems to be enough interest/demand. Finally, I did not include any sort of installation utility with this release, but hey... if you found and downloaded this thing, I imagine you can create a program object for yourself. I suggest placing it (or a shadow) into your startup folder. Contents: - Introduction - Using MegaClip - Known bugs - Future plans - Contacting the author Introduction: ------------- MegaClip is a utility to manage multiple OS/2 PM clipboards. It is inspired in part by the IBM EWS program "ManyClip", as well as by a Windows 3.1 program I used Looong ago (but have forgotten the name of now). MegaClip's key feature over ManyClip is its ability to handle bitmaps and metafiles in addition to text. Other benefits include the ability to view more than one clipboard at a time (multiple windows), to view details about the clip (date, time, size, etc), and to 'hold' one clip in the system clipboard -- even while copying other clips. Clips may be stored within the main program window or placed directly on the desktop and it is possible to turn off 'Auto-Retrieve' so that only desired clips are retained. These features are briefly explained below. *Note: MegaClip currently saves only the last 20 clips when the program is closed. More options are on the way.... Using MegaClip: --------------- - Show/Hide Container LOCATION: main window popup menu toggles visibility of information window - Free floating clips LOCATION: main window popup menu toggles clip location between desktop and MegaClip window -- which may then (optionally) be resized -smaller- until it acts like a toolbar. - Auto retrieve LOCATION: main window popup menu toggles automatic clipboard retrieval when a new item is placed in system clipboard. - Retrieve now LOCATION: main window popup menu Copies system clipboard to a new clip. - Place in clipboard LOCATION: clip's popup menu *SHORTCUT: double click anywhere in the clip Copies selected clip to system clipboard. - Hold in clipboard LOCATION: clip's popup menu holds the current clip in system clipboard, even after another item is copied by the user. - Save as... LOCATION: clip's popup menu Allows clip to be saved in user specified location. - Remove LOCATION: clip's popup menu Removes/Destroys/Deletes the selected clip. (Gets rid of it!) - Find... LOCATION: _TEXT_ clip's popup menu Find's text in the current clip ONLY. (so far) Selected text will automatically appear in the find dialog. *Note: 'Replace' is only enabled if clip is currently being edited. - Edit text LOCATION: _TEXT_ clip's popup menu allows text in the clip to be edited. Clip background will turn yellow to indicate editing is in progress. 'Edit text' must be selected again for changes to take effect. - Wrap text LOCATION: _TEXT_ clip's popup menu toggles text wrapping on/off - Keep proportional LOCATION: _BITMAP_ clip's popup menu toggles proportional display of bitmap. (Default is scaled to window size) - View [Icon or Name or Text or Detail and Mini icons] LOCATION: Container (information) window popup menu selects desired display view - Hide LOCATION: Container (information) window popup menu Hides the container window - Cascade diagonally LOCATION: toolbar cascades the open clips diagonally - Cascade vertically LOCATION: toolbar cascades the open clips vertically at full horizontal width - Tile LOCATION: toolbar tiles open clips - Minimize LOCATION: toolbar minimizes open clips - Up/Down arrows LOCATION: toolbar Moves up/down to next available clip and opens unopened clip windows. - Find active clip LOCATION: toolbar Locates (opens and/or brings to front) the clip that is currently active in the system clipboard. - Exit LOCATION: toolbar, menus Closes the program and saves current clips Known bugs: - Metafiles display as black windows. *note: clipboard operations still work, it is just a display problem. - Minimized clips do not restore properly at startup - Container window sometimes does not arrange icons properly or corrupts the scrollbar when changing views Future plans: ------------- Planned Improvements (near term): - Search finds text in ALL clips - Settings notebook with default values for items (proportional, wrap text, etc) - Options for maximum memory usage by clip Type, and maximum disk usage by clip Type. - better threading (clipboard retrieval, file operations) - Printing - Keyboard accelerators - Clip's name user modifiable Planned Improvements (eventually, maybe...) - 'Send to' option (e-mail) - drag/drop operations - multiple item selection in container Contacting the author: --------------------- Dan Libby Last resort: 408-637-5210